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    To Youth! 2021 Secondary Summer Concert

    School News

    13 Jul, 2021

    10 : 00

    • At the beginning of summer, YWIES Shanghai Lingang held a delicate Secondary Summer Concert, in which wind music, string music, choirs, solos and other performances of styles from popular to classical, created a relaxing, friendly, and warm art atmosphere for the audience. On the stage, a group of young people enjoyed their youth, chasing their dreams with vitality. Applauses and cheers filled up the whole space. The nearly-two-hour programme gave parents wonderful memories.

      "The art of education is not only about teaching techniques, but about inspiring and guiding. The true significance of art is to bring people happiness, encouragement and energy," said the teachers of the Music Department in Yew Wah.

      "This is a profound show, which is not only a report of courses, but a performance of showing oneself. I'm glad that I participated in it. ""I know how it feels to perform on a stage for the first time. I will never forget the feeling of tenseness and excitement. We held hands and saw the light of happiness in each other's eyes." After the concert, Secondary students wrote down these reflections.

      Art has infinite power, and this concert made more students feel the warmth of love and happiness of Yew Wah community. Yew Wah provides many art activities, which can nourish students and help them have holistic development through art education.