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    Sports Year

    School News

    18 Feb, 2020

    10 : 00

    • The last year of sports at YWIES Shanghai Lingang was a very important one. We have encouraged all of our students to play in a sport during the school year and will continue to do so. It is a great way to learn teamwork and how to be a leader on and off the field. We started participating in the Shanghai School Sports Association (SSSA) as full members this past academic year. We have had a significant expansion in our sports programme. We saw pupils of all groups engaging with both new and familiar sports. They were eager and determined to learn how to improve in those sports and compete against other students of their age in various sports.

      This year we want to make sure that our sports programmes build on the momentum from last year and continue to develop our sports programme. This year we will have many different sports opportunities for the students to join and compete with other schools.

      1. We have football teams that start in 1st Grade and go up to high school seniors. Lyon Academy will be working with our students and providing games on Saturdays.

      2.We have a tennis team from 4th Grade to high school seniors.

      3.We have our boys and girls basketball teams, which will compete in the U15 and U19 SSSA leagues.

      4.We have a boys football team, which will compete in the U15 and U19 SSSA leagues.

      5.We have a Secondary school floorball team.

      6.We will have students compete in the SSSA badminton and table tennis tournaments.

      I have enjoyed seeing our students participate in our sports programmes. This year is about building on the sporting successes that we had the year before. Our teams have gained many experiences during these competitions and it has given them a sense of accomplishment.

      In many of the tournaments that we played in the last couple of years we got close to winning the tournament. It is clear that YWIES Shanghai Lingang has the talent to compete with other schools and we are determined to win.

      Once again, I am beyond excited and proud of all of the hard work that our students have displayed in our sports programme. I am appreciative that no matter what teams the students try out for that they have the support and encouragement of their parents. I look forward to seeing what our new and old sports teams will accomplish this school year.

      Josh Martin

      Activity Co-ordinator