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    Congratulations to the Class of 2023!

    School News

    19 Jul, 2023

    14 : 38


    As the clock ticks
    The bell rings again
    The class of 2023 is about to go to
    The next stage
    As they entering colleges
    On the "90+"th anniversary
    Of YCYW's founding
    These students have also
    Achieved excellent admission results
    A warm tribute to their alma mater


    Outstanding University Admissions

    The students of class of 2023 received 5 OFFERs per student and over 5.5 million RMB in university scholarships. Their final choices of majors and universities are:


    Class of 2023 Achievements


    Dora FAN

    Berklee College of Music, US

    BM Music


    Jill FU

    Hong Kong Metropolitan University, China

    BA Creative Writing and Film Arts


    Katie HUANG

    Skidmore College, US

    BA Psychology


    Amy JIANG

    School of Visual Art, US

    BFA Illustration


    Fred LI

    The University of Edinburgh, UK

    BSc Medicinal and Biological Chemistry


    Jerry LI

    Los Angeles College of Music, US

    BM Music Composition


    Christy LIN

    King's College London, UK

    BSc Biomedical Science


    Nikki LIN

    University College London, UK

    BSc Biochemistry


    Max LING

    Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

    BA Engineering


    William MAO

    The University of Edinburgh, UK

    BSc Chemistry


    Frank NI

    King's College London, UK

    BSc Accounting & Finance


    George REN

    Lancaster University, UK

    BSc Business Management


    Brian SHI

    Imperial College London, UK

    BSc Earth and Planetary Science


    Harry SHEN

    University of Edinburgh, UK

    MChem Medicinal and Biological Chemistry


    Harry TAN

    Imperial College London, UK

    MEng Biomedical Engineering


    Tina WANG

    University of California, Santa Barbara, US

    BA Pre-economics


    Diana WANG

    School of the Art Institute of Chicago, US

    BFA Studio Program


    Thomas WANG

    Johns Hopkins University, US

    BM Music for New Media


    Jerry WU

    King's College London, UK

    BSc Mathematics with Statistics 


    Allan XUE

    Emerson College, US

    BFA Acting


    Tom YANG

    Newcastle University, UK

    BA Business Management


    Allen YUAN

    University of the Arts London, UK

    BA Illustration


    Steven ZHAO

    Glion Institute of Higher Education, Switzerland

    BBA International Hospitality Business


    Hanson ZHENG

    University of Birmingham, UK

    BSc Mathematics


    Jerry ZHU

    University College London, UK

    BSc Information Management for Business


    Class of 2023 Graduation Ceremony


    The two teachers most familiar to the students - Mr Benny Zhou and Ms Jennifer Liu hosted the memorable ceremony.


    The ceremony began with a video message from Dr Betty Chan Po-king, CEO & School Supervisor of Yew Chung Yew Wah Education Network, congratulating each student on their successful completion of secondary life.


    Then, Mr Clayton Mullins, Western Co-Principal and Ms Linda Lee, Chinese Co-Principal, extended their best wishes and expectations to the students.


    In the parents' speech, Tina Wang's father, Mr Wang Jingzhou expressed his gratitude and thanks to the school and teachers on behalf of all the parents.


    In the students' speeches, William Mao and Thomas Wang spoke about their growth and development over the years, thanking their teachers, classmates and families for their support and assistance.


    At the end of the ceremony, two talented students, Tom Yang and Gloria Ni, the two winners of the Musician of the Year, also gave us wonderful musical performances.


    As we will bid farewell soon, the students also left behind those unforgettable and affectionate moments for their alma mater with their words.


    Learning Experience Sharing by Class of 2023


    Dora FAN

    Berklee College of Music, US

    BM Music

    I have spent four years in YWIES and have gained a lot in both academic and life skills. I think the most unique thing about YWIES is that many Chinese and foreign teachers care about me and help me make friends. I chose music production as my major because I believe it is a creative field. Like scientists, engineers, and writers, a music production major also produces new things. Music production also gives me a chance to express myself. The most beneficial course at YWIES was music class, which taught me a lot of piano playing skills and music theory, and provided me with a lot of inspiration and advice in my performance and writing.


    Katie HUANG

    Skidmore College, US

    BA Psychology

    I spent five years in Yew Wah. Here, I gradually grew from a timid freshman to a more confident me. The learning opportunities provided by school have also improved my leadership. From the volleyball team to the student council, I kept learning how to lead a team. Dormitory life also cultivated my independence and organization, and helped me gain valuable friendships. The time of five years is fleeting. Thank you to all the teachers who have taught me and helped me and the friends who have always accompanied me.


    Amy JIANG

    School of Visual Art, US

    BFA Illustration

    Every year in Yew Wah, I have made progress and growth. Here, not only have I made academic progress, but I have also met a group of particularly nice friends and teachers, who have accompanied me through nearly six years in my life and have changed and influenced me. I am particularly grateful for the visual art courses, which have helped me experience various art fields and opportunities and have helped me gradually find the major that I want to further research in the future. In college, I hope to improve my self-control skills and the ability to improve myself and move forward towards my dreams more.


    Fred Li

    The University of Edinburgh, UK

    BSc Medicinal and Biological Chemistry

    I spent six years in YWIES, where I found my future goals. The six years of school taught me how to learn, made me more independent, and made me ready to study abroad alone. Every activity organized by the school makes me gain a lot. I also gained precious friendship in YWIES. Talking about everything with friends every lunch break. Studying late into the night for exams with friends. The company of my friends made my school life more colourful.


    Christy Lin

    King's College London, UK

    BSc Biomedical Science

    Six years ago, as the second batch of students from Yew Wah, I came here, and today, we are also here to put an end to our high school life. My six years of study at Yew Wah have given me strong planning skills and independence. At IGCSE, I started participating in various academic research and seminars, and ultimately determined the areas I enjoyed and wanted to delve into. I deeply admire the anti-epidemic personnel who worked hard outside during the epidemic, including the busy doctors, pharmacists, and bioengineers every day. I have made up my mind to strive to become like them, using selfless spirit to save lives and injuries, so that those who face life and despair can regain the courage to live. Finally, I hope to expand my professional knowledge and participate in more cutting-edge technology research and innovation in university.



    Nikki LIN

    University College London, UK

    BSc Biochemistry

    Over my seven-year journey at Yew Wah, I have undergone a transformative process, evolving from a young and inexperienced individual to someone who is now confident and open to taking risks. Throughout this time, I have been fortunate to receive unwavering support and companionship from my family and friends, alongside the guidance of dedicated teachers who have assisted me in my academic pursuits. The school’s team, student council, and diverse range of activities have played a pivotal role in enriching my skill set and self-expression, while also fostering the development of my leadership, teamwork, and time management abilities. I extend my heartfelt gratitude to the teachers, fellow students, and family members who have contributed to making my seven years at Yew Wah truly unforgettable.


    Max LING

    Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

    BA Engineering

    I have been in this school for five years. I had a lot of academic pressure in high school, but fortunately, I met many excellent teachers and made many like-minded friends who provided me with great support and brought me great happiness. I am glad to have met them. In addition, I found my goal of life thanks to the open teaching environment which allows me to discover things outside of the textbook.



    William MAO

    The University of Edinburgh, UK

    BSc Chemistry

    I’ve spent five years in Yew Wah. I’ve learned a lot of different skills through my study in this school. It offers me a great opportunity to practice my problem-solving skills and leadership skills. The one worth talking is being elected as Student Council President, I get to work with other students, giving out solutions to problems that I’ve faced and contribute to construction of a better school campus. This unique experience gives me more confidence in leading an even larger group of people in my future career. It also gives me confidence to have more conversations and connections with the heads in Yew Wah, it enriches my knowledge and visions. The life in dormitory makes me become a more independent, self-disciplined, and organised person, these will guide me through and lead to towards success in the upcoming life in a foreign country. During my time at Yew Wah, not only I gained knowledge and skill for my academic learning but also precious things that I benefit in my life journey. I was also grateful to all the teachers who’ve taught me in the past five years and friends who accompanied me through these five years of time. I will remember these glorious memories that I’ve made in Yew Wah.


    Frank NI

    King's College London, UK

    BSc Accounting & Finance

    I think the greatest treasure Yew Was has given to me in the seven years is the building of my morality. When I attended the full-time schooling set up by Yew Wah, the school took on the responsibility of educating me more than my family. Most of my moral education was done on campus, with teachers who were like family members. They painted me from a blank paper to the colourful canvas I am now - about to enter college. I believe the ‘holistic approach’ is evident in Yew Wah's philosophy, and it will take me far in the future.


    George REN

    Lancaster University, UK

    BSc Business Management

    In the past few years in YWIES, I have gained a lot and made many excellent friends. I can learn a lot of knowledge every day, and dormitory life makes me more independent and stronger, which lays a foundation for my future study abroad life. Here, every day is very full, I can study and live with excellent teachers and friends to broaden my horizons, I am very grateful for the precious life experience in YWIES.


    Brian SHI

    Imperial College London, UK

    BSc Earth and Planetary Science

    The total of seven years in Yew Wah Lingang, not only have I grown physically, but my mind is stronger and more developed. In my proudest moment in my basketball career in the school, from an ordinary amateur, after many years of effort, I helped the team to win the championship. The success was brought out by decent team-work and problem-solving ability on court, these skills have assisted my study as well. Now I am the team captain, my leadership got practiced, although it has been difficult to manage the team at times. Meanwhile, for so many years of study, hard-working in lessons, and those responsible teachers who have helped me, my grades remain excellent. I have participated in many academic competitions, applied for Imperial college, I have been challenging myself, fulfilled my study career, and stepped out my comfort zone. Thanks to all the teachers who supported me!


    Harry TAN

    Imperial College London, UK

    MEng Biomedical Engineering

    In the six years of life in YWIES, I have made many good friends and learned a lot of knowledge. Thanks to the teachers who constantly inspire me, let me from the beginning not be too serious to now more meticulous. The teachers spared no effort to help me, so I was able to apply for my dream school's favorite major.


    Diana WANG

    School of the Art Institute of Chicago, US

    BFA Studio Program

    I spent seven years in Yew Wah and gained a lot. During these seven years, I became more independent and patient, which laid a good foundation for my university life. What I miss most about leaving school is the time spent with my friends. The help and companionship from my friends are my best memories in Yew Wah.


    Tina WANG

    University of California, Santa Barbara, US

    BA Pre-economics

    In Yew Wah, I am deeply impressed by the charm of diversity. There are many memorable things, the most prominent are the memories brought by friends and teachers. At the same time, it also cultivates leadership skills that are extremely important in our society, which will help me to achieve a higher level when I study economics and business in the future.


    Thomas WANG

    Johns Hopkins University, US

    BM Music for New Media

    People used to say when a person realizes the importance of time, he will understand how precious his life is. As I am about to see my graduation ceremony from my 6 years of learning in Yew Wah, I feel excited and nostalgic. There are so many things that I have learned from Yew Wah! My academic improvements, my global perspectives, and my character development. I will always remember the place where it trained me to be a man, Yew Wah!


    Allan XUE

    Emerson College, US

    BFA Acting

    I think I have learned a lot during the six years of living and studying in Yew Wah and the course I am most interested in is drama, which is also one of the reasons why I choose acting in my future career planning. At the beginning of learning acting, I was a little reluctant to let go because I was introverted. However, after learning acting classes, I gradually became relaxed and willing to be myself, and gradually became confident. From the beginning, I loved performing until I confirmed my employment direction, I think I owe a lot of credit to Yew Wah. The teachers and students here are very friendly, everyone will help friends around, teachers are also very willing to communicate with students to solve some learning problems. All in all, I am very happy in the past few years studying and living in Yew Wah after all.


    Tom YANG

    Newcastle University, UK

    BA Business Management

    In a twinkling, I am about to graduate, I did not expect that time passed so quickly, in YWIES has been 7 years, seemingly not long, but short, but bearing countless memories, it seems that yesterday I was the little kid who just stepped into the campus, not knowing the school, classmates and teachers, so curious about everything. To make a group of good friends is my biggest harvest, from grade 6 to A2 every year I remember very clearly, and also very clearly remember those friends who left school, it is these friends who made me now. After so much experience, I am ready to impact on the university life, hoping to learn more knowledge in the university and have different feelings. Looking back on this road, we have made a lot of stupid decisions, but also do a lot of young frivolous ones and do not want to leave regret. Thanks to all teachers and friends in YWIES, thanks for having you to accompany me, and it creates such beautiful memories together, laugh together cry together, and finally become an unforgettable experience.


    Allen YUAN

    University of the Arts London, UK

    BA Illustration

    Time flies, the scenes in YWIES fly by like the lights on the stage. In a flash of an eye, I stand at the crossroads of YWIES again. Compared with the ignorance and longing when I came, I leave with more firm and bold ideas Now come to think of it, I actually took a bumpy and winding road, but there is no shortage of beautiful scenery. I was able to help my friends, and give respect to teachers who taught us and inspired my activities, often think of these. I cannot help but sigh, perhaps, detour is sometimes the best shortcut. We are young, inexperienced and starting our journey, we should give our own happiness to develop as people. Perhaps, I also hope that this pursuit of happiness and success in the future, can often come as a result of this varied path we walk.


    Steven ZHAO

    Glion Institute of Higher Education, Switzerland

    BBA International Hospitality Business

    In YWIES seven years of time, I have learned a lot. Through the good learning atmosphere and excellent teachers, I have stored enough knowledge to approach my college life. At the same time, the seven-year residential life has made me more mature and independent, and I have confidence to live abroad without the help of my family. Moreover, I have also left many friends, and although we will go to different countries in the future, we have all left precious memories here.


    Hanson ZHENG

    University of Birmingham, UK

    BSc Mathematics

    I have spent four and a half years in YWIES and my growth during this time is also very obvious, such as my character and self-confidence. I also made many good friends and mentors, and the help they gave me cannot be ignored. Living in the dormitory for the first time also exercises my independence, which will help me better adapt to living abroad in the future. At that time, the study of mathematics in the as stage determined the direction of my future university, mathematics and statistics. I also look forward to more growth in the future study abroad time. I will always keep the good memories of YWIES.


    Jerry ZHU

    University College London, UK

    BSc Information Management for Business

    I have gained a lot in the seven years in YW, from being afraid to communicate and socialise at the beginning to becoming a well-known senior.  The real change is that I met a Maths teacher in Grade 8, which made me really love Maths. Meanwhile, the core teacher of Grade 8, Mr Walters, who co-founded the Frisbee team with me, gave me a goal in high school, which is worth my efforts to achieve these achievements today, and also made me a student with strong leadership skills. Then in daily life, YW provides a very good environment for me and my friends to live on campus, which makes it feel like home and has a good learning atmosphere for me to study hard. Finally, I am also very grateful to YWIES for allowing me to grow so much.


    Congratulations to the Class of 2023


    The admission season may not be
    The most splendid chapter of our youth
    But it must be the most unforgettable journey
    A short ceremony
    It is impossible to tell
    All the laughter and joy of the past few years
    Dear class of 2023
    Your YWIES journey is coming to an end
    Congratulations to all of you