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    Letters from Alumni and Love from Alumni

    School News

    05 Oct, 2023

    14 : 10

    We are very pleased to receive letters and wishes from our beloved and cherished alumni and families, and deeply feel the attachment and affection of Yew Wah Lingang students to their Alma mater after leaving YWIES. We will pass on their blessings to every faculty member and all members of the community of YWIES Lingang and will continue to encourage them not to forget the original intention and remember the mission on the road of education.


    Dear YWIES Shanghai Lingang Leadership Team and all teachers,


    As autumn approaches and the new school term begins, we hope that everyone in the YWIES Shanghai Lingang community is doing well. 


    We are parents and our kids have studied in Yew Wah. But as we watch the autumn leaves turn red and our children grow, our nostalgia for Yew Wah Lingang rises in our hearts like the aroma of coffee. 


    Love needs to be expressed, and gratitude needs to be acknowledged. We hope that these few words, inadequate as they may be, can bring comfort to the leaders and teachers who are still tirelessly working: 


    You have worked hard! All your efforts are a source of positive energy for our children's growth! The beautiful moments our children spent at YWLG will be treasured memories for them forever. Dedicated teachers nurtured their curiosity and laid a solid foundation for their education. School friends became lifelong companions, and Yew Wah Lingang truly shaped their formative years.


    We also want to express our gratitude to the School Leader Team. Your dedication and hard work have ensured that Yew Wah Lingang is a place where young minds can thrive. Principal Ms Linda Lee tirelessly organizes school work day and night, Principal Ms Maggie Zhou carefully plans the students' coursework and various activities, the Weatern Co-Principal uses wisdom to provide international education experiences without leaving the country, and Manager Mr Steven Zou provides a wide range of choices for our children's daily energy supply. You have all worked extremely hard, and we hope you take good care of yourselves!


    We would like to thank the teachers, dormitory teachers, school office teachers and all the staff of Yew Wah  Lingang, who are dedicated to cultivating children's curiosity and laying a solid foundation for their education. The children benefit from Yew Wah "whole person education" concept, he (she) full of love, they go to the mountains and seas, looking forward to meet with Yew Wah  Lingang teachers again.



    Jeremy Li's mother, Cody Wen and Steven Wen's mother, Angela Xu's mother, Suri Zhang's mother, and Isabella Gong

    September, 2023



    I am Jeremy Li's mother, and although Jeremy has grown up a lot, he never forgets Yaw Wah Lingang, especially the kind and sincere Principal Linda LEE and zhou. We wish you all happiness and success, and may joy and good health be with you!

    FROM:Jeremy LI's Mom


    I am the mother of Cody Wen and Steven Wen. We thank you for the wonderful time they spent at Yew Wah Lingang and wish Yew Wah Lingang peace and happiness, with all wishes coming true!

    FROM:Cody WEN and Steven WEN's Mom


    I am Angela Xu's mother, and Yew Wah Lingang instilled in her the values of kindness, respect, and perseverance, which continue to guide her. Thank you, Yew Wah Lingang, and may you have good fortune and success!

    FROM:Angela XU's Mom


    I am Suri Zhang's mother, and I thank you for the time spent at Yew Wah Lingang, which allowed my child to have a broader perspective in planning his studies and future. I wish the leaders and teachers of Yew Wah Lingang warmth and prosperity throughout the seasons!

    FROM:Suri ZHANG's Mom


    I am Isabella Gong. Across the vast ocean, the gratitude for our teachers remains unforgettable. Yew Wah Lingang, the beautiful campus where I grew, revisited in our dreams several times, gratitude overflowing unspoken, and memories resurfacing repeatedly. Wishing our dear teachers a joyful October break, hoping our students receive the offers from their dream university, and may Yew Wah Lingang continue to shine brightly.

    FROM:Class of 2022 · Isabella GONG


    We hope that our children's futures will be bright, and we hope they can give back to Yew Wah Lingang, which has provided them with so much support. Once again, thank you, and please convey our gratitude to the teachers and staff who continue to work at Yew Wah Lingang: May you help the younger generation with lofty aspirations and carry the heavy responsibility of nurturing them, bringing honor to China! May Yew Wah Lingang prosper and rise higher in the Forbes rankings!