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    Space ALL Art Exhibition Project Call for Submissions Notice

    School News

    18 Jan, 2024

    12 : 00




    Space ALL

    Art Exhibition Project Call for Submissions Notice


    Contemporary art is a vibrant and diverse field that goes beyond the pursuit of aesthetics; it is also a response to the current social changes and challenges. Artists bravely explore and present various issues of the present through their works, conveying their thoughts and perspectives on these topics in unique ways, using a variety of mediums such as painting, sculpture, installation art, photography, video, and performance. These artworks lead us into a space filled with thought and reflection, inspiring new recognitions and understandings of the world.


    In the Space ALL exhibition, we will see works from different cultural backgrounds and artistic styles interwoven together, forming a polyphonic dialogue. Space ALL provides a platform for audiences to explore and experience different artistic languages and viewpoints, as well as the dialogue and exchange between different cultures. Let us think and act together to contribute our strength in building a more beautiful world.


    1. Curators: 

    Visual Arts Department of YWIES SHLG Student Council 


    2. Organizer: 

    Visual Arts Department of YWIES SHLG Student Council 


    3. Supporting Media: 

    New Media Club of YWIES SHLG Student Council


    4. The call for submissions is hereby announced as follows

    (1) Collection Period: January 1, 2024 - June 30, 2024.

    (2) Eligible Participants: The exhibiting artists are students from our school, with no restrictions on grade level.

    (3) Content of Submissions: The collected works are not limited to specific art forms, including but not limited to oil painting, ink painting, acrylic, watercolor, printmaking, mixed media, sculpture, photography, installation art, new media art, etc.

    (4) Submission Requirements: Submitted works must be original creations that possess intellectual and artistic value, and they should reflect the artist's unique perspective and attitude; each author may submit 3 to 8 pieces.


    5. Submission Method

    (1) Fill in the work information form and send the JPG files of the artworks to the email address (

    (2) Requirements for submission: The image format of the work should be JPG, the size should not be less than 2MB and not more than 6MB, the image should be clear and complete, and the work should not be decorated with outer frames, white edges or any scenes.

    (3) You need to submit a photo of your life, the size is not less than 2MB and not more than 5MB.

    (4) The above data should be sent to the platform email address (, and the words "Space ALL + contributor name" should be marked.


    6. Exhibitor Benefits

    (1) This exhibition will issue an entry certificate to the participating artists.

    (2) Exhibiting artists are eligible for the Space ALL project awards.


    7. Other Precautions

    (1) The works to be exhibited must be original works of contributors. Ghostwriting, high imitation, plagiarism and duplication are strictly prohibited; Otherwise, the contributor shall be responsible for all disputes and legal liabilities arising therefrom, and his/her participation in the exhibition shall be cancelled.

    (2) The organizer has the right to exhibit, photograph, video, research, publish and publicize the works. The submitted works and participating authors are deemed to have confirmed and complied with this regulation.


    Visual Arts Department of YWIES SHLG Student Council

    December 2023



    Space ALL(Art-Lingual Lab) 


    Space ALL was established in November 2023. It is an art space initiated and managed by YWIES SHLG Student Council. Its aim is to unearth students' artistic potential within the contemporary social context by connecting social issues with artistic ideas, humanistic concerns with technological advancements, and construct a diverse, open, experimental, and proactive art practice space. 

    Space ALL will present a series of flash art exhibitions, integrating various activities such as art competitions, art interviews, and art forums to showcase YWIES SHLG students' exploration of contemporary art media and discourse. This will stimulate multiple cognitive experiences, uphold habits of deep thinking, and form a community that generates social phenomena through artistic resonance.