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    Let the Fragrance of Books Linger this Summer

    Wechat News

    02 Sep, 2020

    10 : 00

    • William Shakespeare once said: "A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books is like a wingless bird.” On April 23, the day of World Reading Day, Primary Section held a unique launching ceremony of "I Grow with the Company of Books" online, hoping that this online launching ceremony would inspire every Yew Wah student to love books and become a young person with "poetry and books in his/her heart".

      The Chinese reading activity was held from April 23 to June 22, aiming at cultivating students' reading habits, improving their reading ability and comprehensively cultivating their core Chinese competence through reading. Each Grade carried out activities around different reading themes.

      "Love Dialogue"in Grade 1 aims to use the magic of "words" to comprehend the magic of "love". Taking family as the unit, students read the picture book with the theme of "love" and role-played the story with the family.

      The theme of Grade 2 "Children's Poetry Garden" aims to let children appreciate children's poetry and feel the charm of children's poetry through reading. We hope that they can recite and create their own, and use poetry to express feelings about the world!

      The Third Grade’s "Roaming in the Wonderful Fairy Tale Kingdom" aims to take the children into a wonderful fairy tale world. In this wonderful world they read, told and made up fairy tales and felt the beauty and rich imagination of the fairy tale world together.

      In the Fourth Grade, "Folk Story-Telling Session" built the scientific system of students' reading, and laid a good foundation for forming a long-term and extensive reading habit.

      The theme of the Fifth Grade is “Lecture Room”. There were a story-telling session of The Three Kingdoms, a sharing session of excerpts from the four great classic novels and the extended reading of Feng Jicai's work, Extraordinary People in Our Ordinary World, aiming at improving students' Chinese reading and writing skills as well as exercising their courage to share.

      Richard Hu in Grade 5 said, “Reading is not only a necessary skill, but also my very special love. To wander between words is to wander through the whole world.”

      Chinese Co-Principal Linda Li said in the opening ceremony, "I hope our children take books as a lifetime good friend. We also want to put the tiny seeds of reading in each child's heart. Let us help our children form a good habit of reading with our love and patience. Plant small seeds of reading in children’s hearts and let them grow into towering trees!"